Reduce Stress and Anxiety
- Improve Mood Stability
- Improve Mental Focus
- Decreased Stress
An all-natural formula, EMPowerplus Q96 is the most researched micronutrient supplement in the world, and is unlike any other vitamin or mineral formula on the market, due to its proprietary formulation and technology.
- Studied at 15 universities including Harvard
- Published in 25 Medical Journals
- 2 Double Blind Placebo Clinical Trials
- Studied by 44 Different Researchers
- 25 million dollars spent by outside researchers
- 18 year track record history
- 100% All Natural
EMPowerplus™ Q96 has been the subject of numerous articles and television segments. And no wonder – the story of how a nutritional supplement came to be developed for mental illnesses and the many personal stories of success are of interest to a great many people.